Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Giant Sea Cucumber

Giant Sea Cucumber


Martini Rock, Khor Fakkan
United Arab Emirates

8 meters

9th November 2008

Succesfully identified by my able assistant Professor Von Salt

I thought this was like a snake skin but when I moved it with my pointer it seemed to be alive, nothing inside just the skin.
If you look at the far end of this invertebrate you will see some tentacles so that is the front of the animal completely hollow and moves with muscle convulsions, apparently eat a lot of alage and with the infestation at the East Coast not surprising that it is thriving.

Common Sea Horse

Common Seahorse
Hippocampus kuda

Martini Rock, Khor Fakkan
United Arab Emirates
9th November 2008
12 meters

This was a big surprise as the visibility was so bad we abandoned the previous dive at Dibba, it was the biggest sea horse I have ever seen about 6 inches long.